可是在现实生活中,破译他们的症状有时候就如翻译古代象形文字一般困难,但是不用担心,Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital的医生们会在这儿为您提供指南。
可是在现实生活中,破译他们的症状有时候就如翻译古代象形文字一般困难,但是不用担心,Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital的医生们会在这儿为您提供指南。
We know you’d move mountains to keep your four-legged companions happy and healthy. But let’s face it, sometimes deciphering their mysterious signals can feel like translating ancient hieroglyphics. Fret not! The dogtors at Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital are here with a guide.